martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

During my life I haved only 3 dogs, my first dog, when I’m 9 years old, his name was Bonito, Bonito made me feel the best person in the world. “The dog is the man’s best friends, although is a sentence that many people say, is the only true, Bonito is the best dog, never I´m forget her face. When I was 12 years old, Bonito was died, I don´t why, my family says because it was old, now I know.
After Bonito, around two months, I find Laica on the street, was 4 years old, it was a Pitbull. In spite of catalogued as a dangerous pet, Laica was very very harmless. Laica was died at 6 years old because was poisoned by a neighbor. 
Finally, my Last dog call Dustin, honor of Dustin Rhodes, WWE superstar, such as Laica, Dustin I find on the street but when he was 2 weeks, now Dustin have around 3 years old is a Poodle Toy and is my best friend. In conclusion, all pets are important for all person, but in my case, my 3 dogs were very important for my life, for my childhood, then and forever.  

2 comentarios:

  1. The name of your dog shows that you are a fan of the WWE bro, Dustin is a good name

  2. So true, pets are so important in the life, to give us company and love and the same for them, Dustin it's so cute, it's like my dogs!
